A Motivational Interviewing App

for Health Care Providers

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Our material is based on the latest release of Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change by Miller & Rollnick. Over 300 clinical trials prove the efficacy of MI-based health coaching.


Time is limited in health care settings. This MI-based health coaching has been adapted to brief encounters and is appropriate for typical health care issues.


These are tried and true health coaching strategies that have been incorporated and tested in various health care settings - hospitals, primary care, health management and wellness.

Assistance with developing your skill set:

  • Access concrete examples of basic skills
  • Build your own 'cheat sheet'
  • Learn more advanced skills
  • Get advice for challenging cases
  • Receive tips to make MI easier to use


MI content provided by Susan W. Butterworth, PhD, MS, RHC-III, Q-consult, LLC
Website & Mobile App Development by Choice Information Services, Inc.